Redwood Lumber
Surfaced Redwood
We offer several sizes and grades of surfaced redwood materials in many sizes and lengths.
Sizes Available:
Construction Common:
2×4 – 2×12 S4S
Construction Heart:
2×4 – 2×12 S4S
4×4 – 4×12 S4S
6×6 S4S
“B” Grade and Select:
1×4 S1S2E
1×6 S1S2E
1×8 S1S2E
1×12 S1S2E
2×2 – 2×12 S4S
2×4 S4S
2×6 S4S
2×8 S4S
2×12 S4S
Rough Redwood
Valley Redwood offers a complete line of Rough Redwood and Timbers for all of your construction and landscaping needs.
Sizes Available:
Construction Common:
1x4x8, 1x6x8, 1x8x8, 1x12x8
2×2 – 2×12 (8, 10, 12, 16, 20′ lengths)
4x4x8, 4x4x10
Construction Heart:
1×4 – 1×12 (8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20′ lengths)
2×2 – 2×12 (8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20′ lengths)
4×4 – 4×12
Pressure Treated Materials
We carry a full line of pressure treated fir building materials, in the popular brown tone color.
Sizes Available:
2×4 – 2×12
4×4 – 4×6
Other sizes and colors are available. We can also special order other sizes of treated lumber.
Hours of Operation
Starting April 1st
Mon. - Fri. 7:30 - 4:30
Sat. 7:30 - 4:00
Closed Sunday