Landscape Materials

New Product | Crusher Dust 0″ – 1/4″ construction material that can be compacted or loosely screened and is a great product to use when installing synthetic turf, concrete or porcelain pavers.

Having a large selection of landscape materials to choose from can make all the difference in how your project will look. We have a great variety of materials including bark, topsoil, crushed rock, and cobble, in a wide range of sizes and colors. Let our staff help you in choosing which materials that will make your next landscape design come to life with beauty.
Valley Redwood has the best selection of compost, pebble, cobble, and bark plus all the accessories and tools you will find in the Sacramento area. Make Valley Redwood your one stop shop for all your decorative landscape materials.
  • Bender board
  • Landscape fabric
  • Paver edging
  • Landscape tools

Bulk Materials

Click the button to see a valuable chart that can help you determine the amount of product required for your project.

Epic Plastics sets the standard in quality landscape edging products made from 100% recycled polyethelyne. Valley Redwood stocks the most popular products they produce. Their products continue to be the professional landscaper’s choice for high-quality edging solutions and are now gaining wide acceptance in the do-it-yourself market.

If you don’t see it here, contact us and we can find what you need.

4836 Auburn Blvd.

Sacramento, Ca. 95841


Hours of Operation

Starting April 1st

Mon. -  Fri. 7:30 - 4:30

Sat.  7:30 - 4:00

Closed Sunday

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Valley Redwood


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