Fencing Materials
Redwood & Pressure Treated Posts and Rails
2x4x8 Redwood Rails
2x4x8 Premium Redwood Rails
2x4x8 Const. Heart Rails
4x4x8 Redwood Posts
4x4x8 PT Posts
4x4x7 PT Posts
Redwood Fence Boards
1x4x6 Premium Dog Ear
1x6x6 Premium Flat
1x6x6 Con Heart Dog Ear
1x6x6 Con Heart Flat
1x6x6 Dog Ear # 2
1x6x6 Premium Dog Ear
1x4x6 Premium Flat
Postmaster® Fence Posts
A wood fence provides protection and privacy for your home. It’s the backdrop for backyard
barbecues, family gatherings, and when you want an escape to your outdoor oasis.

Designed for Your Lifestyle
- It’s versatile – works with almost any fence style you choose.
- It’s stylish – Easily hidden for the natural wood post look.The perfect compliment for your oasis.
- It’s strong – adds the strength of steel and warranted to
last a lifetime - Galvanized available in 7’6″, 8′, 9′, and 10′ lenghts
Boltup Steel Fence Posts
Now Avaiable
$42.25 each

ZPost Metal Fence Posts
They are available in the following sizes: 7’6″, 8′, 9′ and 10′
Valley Redwood has all the sizes in stock.
Hours of Operation
Starting April 1st
Mon. - Fri. 7:30 - 4:30
Sat. 7:30 - 4:00
Closed Sunday